Duration: 2:43Posted: Feb 10, 2018
www.manoto1.com سردار سرلشگر محمدعلی جعفری، فرماندۀ سپاه پاسداران ایران، امروز ابراز اطمینان کرد که خصومت های میان ایران و اسرائیل در نهایت به جنگ میان دو کشور منجر خواهد شد. هر چند محمدعلی جعفری گفت که نمی داند این جنگ چه زمانی صورت خواهد گرفت، اما، وقوع آن را در آینده امکانپذیر دانست و گفت که جنگ جدید همانند جنگ هشت سالۀ ایران و عراق نخواهد بود. فرماندۀ سپاه پاسداران انقلاب اسلامی همچنین گفت که جمهوری اسلامی ایران با اسرائیل سر جنگ دارد و اسرائیل نیز با دولت ایران سر جنگ دارد و معلوم نیست که این جنگ چه
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2 days ago · Russian hackers are targeting millions of devices around the world to spy, steal information and build networks for potentially devastating future cyberattacks, the US and UK have revealed.Russia Steps Up Hacking, Spurring U.S.-U.K. Warning on Risk ...www.bloomberg.com
2 days ago · Russia is using compromised computer-network equipment to attack U.S. and British companies and government agencies, the two countries warned in an unprecedented joint alert.UK and US move on Chinese group citing national securitywww.ft.com
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The US envoy to the OPCW says Russia might have tampered with the site of the alleged chemical attack. Russia's Foreign Minister denies the allegations. Check out RT LIVE .
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U.S.-U.K. Warning on Cyberattacks Includes Private HomesNew York Times · 2 days ago
US, UK issue joint warning on Russian hackersCNN · 1 day agoU.S.-U.K. Warning on Cyberattacks Includes Private Homes ...mobile.nytimes.com
2 days ago · LONDON — The United States and Britain on Monday issued a first-of-its-kind joint warning about Russian cyberattacks against government and private organizations as well as individual ...US and UK blame Russia for 'malicious' cyber-offensive ...www.theguardian.com
2 days ago · Senior security officials in the US and UK held a rare joint conference call to directly blame the Kremlin for targeting government institutions, private sector organisations and infrastructure, and internet providers supporting these sectors. North Korea is a bigger cyber-attack ...US, UK issue joint warning on Russian hackers - CNNPoliticsedition.cnn.com
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British–American relations, also referred to as Anglo-American relations, encompass many complex relations ranging from two early wars to competition for world markets. Since 1940 they have been close ...Country comparison · History · TransportationUS and UK warn that Russia has been hacking routers worldwidewww.engadget.com
2 days ago · This morning, reports surfaced that UK Prime Minister Theresa May has been briefed on possible incoming Russian-based cyberattack that could lead to the release...US, UK cyber cops warn Russians are rooting around in your ...www.theregister.co.uk
2 days ago · American and British crimefighters have launched another round of pin-the-tail- on-the-Russians – with a warning that Moscow-backed hackers are trying to subvert the world's network devices.Russian hackers targeting millions of devices around the world ...www.independent.co.uk
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Syria's air defence has just repelled a missile attack, in Homs Province, according to the state media. The Pentagon has denied initiating strikes or conducting any other military activity in Homs province. Read more: https://on.rt.com/93f1 Check out http://rt.com RT LIVE http://rt.com/on-air Subscribe to RT! http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=RussiaToday Like us on Facebook http://www.facebook.com/RTnews Follow us on Telegram https://t.me/rtintl Follow us on VK https://v
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دفاع هوایی سوریه به موشک ها در استان حمص شلیک می کند - آپاراتwww.aparat.com
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مردم با تصمیم ترزا می در حمله به سوریه مخالف هستند - آپاراتwww.aparat.com
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4 days ago · احزاب مخالف انگلیس و بسیاری از سازمانهای غیر دولتی این کشور تصمیم ترزا می، نخست وزیر انگلیس را ... شد، ۴۳ درصد مردم انگلیس با حمله هوایی به سوریه مخالف و فقط ۲۲ درصد با این حملات موافق بودند.تنها یک چهارم انگلیسیها با اقدام نظامی کشورشان علیه سوریه موافق ...www.isna.ir
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Syria access to Douma denied to OPCW inspectors UK. 1 day ago The UK's envoy to the OPCW, Peter Wilson, called for the inspectors to be given " unfettered access" to Douma and dismissed as "ludicrous" ...Is chemical inspectors' OPCW mission in Syria still relevant ...www.aljazeera.com
3 days ago · Representatives of the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons ( OPCW) have arrived in Damascus, where they will conduct a so-called 'fact- finding mission' into the chemical ...OPCW inspectors head to suspected Syria gas attack site in ...www.japantimes.co.jp
6 days ago · OPCW inspectors head to suspected Syria gas attack site in Douma Buses carrying Jaish al-Islam fighters and their families from their former rebel bastion of Douma, arrive at the Abu al-Zindeen ...
Political fallout continues over US, UK, and French airstrikes on Syria following an alleged chemical attack in the Damascus suburb of Douma. Meanwhile, the Organization for Prohibition of Chemical Weapons arrived in Damascus to begin their fact-finding mission into the suspected chemical attack. RT America’s Dan Cohen has the story. Find RT America in your area: http://rt.com/where-to-watch/ Or watch us online: http://rt.com/on-air/rt-america-air/ Like us on Facebook http://www.facebook.com/RTAmeri
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12 hours ago · The Damascus government and its ally Russia insist the incident was fabricated. OPCW inspectors arrived in Syria over the weekend to establish whether chemical weapons had been used in ...Syria: Russia says inspectors will be allowed into Douma ...www.theguardian.com
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