Click here for information and examples of colon punctuation in the English language. The colon is most often used to introduce lists, words, phrases, series or quotations.UN Live United Nations Web TV - 印度:挽救棉花种植区
Posted: Feb 2, 2017UN Live United Nations Web TV - 老挝: 女性自强与计划生育
Posted: Jun 17, 2015轉換網頁程式:從_...
No information is available for this page.Learn whywriting style - A case study of colon punctuation usage - English
The approach you take to introducing and punctuating a numbered list is purely a style decision. The style that I see used most often is the one endorsed by the Chicago Manual of Style, fifteenth edition (2003), ...When to Use a Colon | Punctuation Rules & Examples |
Colon grammar rules might seem a bit confusing at first, but they are quite simple. See our examples and learn when to use a colon properly.
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Colon (punctuation) - Simple English Wikipedia, the free
Colon (punctuation). From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Jump to: navigation, search. Colon. The colon (":") is a punctuation mark, visually consisting of two equally sized dots centered on the same vertical ...Punctuation · Use in prose · Use in other kinds of textPeople also ask
What is a colon punctuation mark?
How do you use a colon?
Do you use a colon for a list?
What are punctuation marks?Colon (punctuation) -
The colon ( : ) is a punctuation mark consisting of two equally sized dots centered on the same vertical line. A colon precedes an explanation or an enumeration, or list. A colon is also used with ratios, titles and ...Usage · History · Letter · Mathematics and logicThe Colon: Punctuation for Students -
Duration: 7:13Posted: Feb 10, 2017Colon (:) | Oxford
Those two little dots have three main uses: learn what a colon's job is and where it can be used with our helpful guide. Can you spot how it is being used here?Colon Punctuation - Rules and